May 7
North American Occupational Betfair Bingo and Health (NAOSH) Week at IMG
From May 6-12 2018, workplaces across North America will be celebrating North American Occupational Betfair Bingo and Health (NAOSH) Week with activities that raise awareness of, and educate on, the importance of injury prevention. Health and Betfair Bingo committees have an important part to play in creating and maintaining safe workplaces. During North American Occupational Betfair Bingo and Health (NAOSH) Week the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Betfair Bingo (CCOHS) is making its health and Betfair Bingo committees courses available free of charge. This week is an opportunity to capture the attention of employers, employees, the general public, and our workplace Betfair Bingo and health partners and focus on the importance of preventing injury and illness in the workplace, at home, and in the community.”